Sunday, January 18, 2009

Grateful to be an American

As I sat down with my class of 12 year olds to start our Sunday School class I asked what exciting thing was going to happen the week. After a few moments of blank stares, I asked again. One brave soul said "Their going to make Obama President." I was glad at least this one young soul knew it was going to happen. It was a short lived one sided conversation as I told them the wonder and wonderful occasion that this would be. It occurred to me that these young people had no idea what a treasure it is to live in America and see the transfer of power. It amazes me, and yet it is such a normal course of our political lives.

The marvel of America is extended this year as an African American takes the office of President. It restores faith in our society to think that the oppressed of the past are now the taking the reins of power, peacefully. Hurray for Martin Luther King and his vision. Hurray for those that followed his dream and ignored the radical rebels calling us to pursue a violent path. Interestingly I heard this week that India is planning a celebration to mark the 50th anniversary of King's visit to India to study Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence and civil disobedience. A new recording of King made as he ended the month long visit emphasized how impressed he was with Gandhi. Now 50 years later we have President Obama.

Make sure you watch history on Tuesday. Take a mental photo and hold it in your heart and tell it to your kids. You saw it happen. Then take a breath, say a prayer, give a cheer and toast America and our new President.

Hail to the Chief!
May we all wish to re-elect him.

Hail to the Land of the Free!
May it ever be.


Jodi said...

Mmm. Amen. What a great day. It was especially wonderful teaching our children support today . . . support for someone that we may not have voted for but now he is our President so we support and pray for him. I feel great hope.

Anonymous said...

Dear Fred/Papa,

We need more of your wisdom and insight! Please post again soon. Your East Coast son-in-law needs some debating material, too! How is the Sunday School going? The garden? Marriage class?--timo