Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday II

Another thought as we start Holy Week and prepare to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord.

What does Easter mean to you? For me it is the most sacred of Holy Days and the most significant holiday. It is the one remaining holiday that has stayed closest to its intended purpose. Mostly because the world has left it behind, seeing it as a religious mystery.

Anyway I am interested in What Easter means to you?

Do you do anything during Holy Week to commemorate it?

For a few years we have gathered at our home on Easter afternoon to remember Easter by recounting the events of the Crucifiction and Resurrection through song and the spoken word. It has been a wonderful experience. We are going to do it again this Easter. If you would like to attend let me know.

I am also very interested in what you do to remember the Savior during this Holy week. Please leave a comment and tell us how Easter affects your life. What your most memorable Easter has been? When did Easter take on a more meaningful purpose than getting a new dress or hunting for colored eggs? Or what you would like to do to make it a meaningful Holy Day.

May you feel His Spirit this week and always. Happy Holy Week.


Megan said...

I'm still struggling with how to best commemorate Easter with my small children.

One simple Easter memory that has stayed with me was receiving a basket of a dozen Easter eggs from my singles ward VT. Each egg was numbered and had a scripture and small token of the Easter story.

The last egg was empty with only the words "He is not here, for He is risen" inside. That empty egg with those simple words inside is poignant to me.

Mel P. said...

I have been so consumed with day-to-day life this week that I haven't given Easter much thought other than to run to the store to buy something chocolate - until I read your post this morning.

Thank you, Uncle Fred, for once again reminding me of the importance of our Savior. You have been a spiritual influence to me all my life!

We do have one special tradition that helps us to remember the meaning of Easter. We make cookies with ingredients that come from scripture references. They are then placed in the oven; the unheated oven is "sealed" until morning.

I don't know how it works, but the cookies are "baked" when the oven is unsealed. The cookies are hollow which represents the empty tomb.